Vibration Trainers, Body Slimmers, Crazy Fit Massagers


Enquiry Form

Best Approach Group Ltd.

Please fill the form below and let us know how we can help. We will get back to you with a reply.

We appreciate having our business partners contact details, the same way we are happy to provide ours. It may help if you provide some information about your Company and business activity, this way we can asses your needs better and recommend the best suitable items for your market.

Please be sure to indicate item numbers in your inquiry so that we can refer to these items in our reply.

Thank you for your time and we appreciate your business.

Please note - before you proceed!!!

We can only acommodate wholesale quantities - we do not sell on retail basis. However - if you want to only buy a few machines we may refer you to our local dealer, so be sure to specify the quantity and your location in your inquiry. 


* = Required Field.
Company :  
*Contact Person :  
Address :  
Tel. No. :  
Fax No. :  
*E-Mail :  
*Enquiry :  



Oscillating Crazy Fit Massagers

Vibrating Crazy Fit Massagers

Vibration Trainers

Body Shakers

Rock Steppers

Air Walkers

Magnetic Bike

How We Do It



Enquiry Form

                                                       TEL: 88647764018  FAX: 88647786889  E-mail: [email protected]

                                            No.43, Qi Pan Lane, Gou Qi Li, Lu Gang Town, Zhang Hua county, Taiwan

                          Website:     All right reserved by Best Approach Group Ltd.

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