Suppliers of sporting equipment including mini stepper, rock stepper, exercise bike, body slimmer and more.

Fitness Equipment
Body Slimmer
Body Exerciser
Skipping Rope
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Address             : No.43, Chi-Pan Lane, Gou-Chien Li, Luhkang,

                              Changhua Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Tel no                : 886-4-7764018

Fax no               : 886-4-7786889

Website             :

Email Address   : [email protected]


Contact Information

Taiwan Address : No.43, Chi-Pan Lane, Gou-Chien Li, Lukang, Changhua Hsien , Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL : +886-4-7764018   FAX : +886-4-7786889  E-MAIL : [email protected]

                             Company : Best Approach Group Ltd.  China Factory : DongGuan City, Shen Zeng City                                 

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